ample: adj.(-pler; -plest)1.(房屋)广大的,宽敞的。2.丰富的,充足的,富裕的。短语和例子(opp. scanty, meager)。 ample evidences 充足的证据。 of ample means 富有的。 do ample justice to a meal 大吃,饱餐。n.-ness 广大;丰富,充足。
While baghdatis had ample power to blast winners from all points of the court , counter - puncher hewitt struggled to get the ball past baghdatis , particularly from the middle of the court 当巴格达蒂斯开始不断地在场地各个角落飙出致胜球时,休伊特始终像块粘牙的牛皮糖似的,努力寻找着防守反击的机会。